503-393-1031 INFO@PACSAN.NET

Customer Service

Starting Service?

Phone 503-393-1031 Fax 503-390-1303

Mailing: PO BOX 17669 Salem, OR 97305-1715

Physical: 3475 Blossom DR NE Salem, OR 97305-1715

Hours of Operation:

Office: From 8AM to 5PM; Monday through Friday.
Routes: Generally, from 6AM to 2PM; Monday through Friday.
Shop & Yard: From 8AM to 4PM; Monday through Friday.
Weekend Service is available by prior arrangement.  (Overtime and special travel rates will apply.)


We run regular routes every weekday except Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Years Day.  On Thanksgiving, or when Christmas and New Years fall on a weekday, we close for the holiday only, and run routes one day late through Saturday for the balance of the week.  When Christmas and New Years fall on the weekend, we run normal weekly schedules.  We work all other holidays according to normal schedules. Our office is also closed Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day.


Billing and Non-payment:

We bill residential customers 2 months in advance. Nonpayment after 60 days of the billing date will result in service interruption and a $25 fee. When service is stopped for non-payment the total bill plus late charges must be paid in full before service can be restored. Balances that remain unpaid for 30 days or more after the closing date may be assessed a finance charge computed at the periodic rate of .75% monthly (Annual percentage rate 9%).

Checks returned unpaid will be assessed a charge of $15 per instance.

When paying by mail, send payment with stub to: PO Box 17669, Salem OR 97305.

Payments may also be taken to drop boxes at the Turner Market and Jefferson Hometown Market. Payments at drop boxes are collected once per week. To assure prompt posting, past due payments should be made to our office at 3475 Blossom Dr NE Salem OR.

Customers who move without prior notice will be held responsible for monthly service to the day we receive notification, as well as charges for any lost, damaged or irretrievable containers from that address.